Alvise Studios

Manifesto of Alvise Studios Ltd.

Alvise Studios is not just a company; it’s a revolution in the digital realm, born from a profound personal journey. Our founder, diagnosed as neurodiverse in adulthood, experienced a life-altering transformation. This diagnosis was not just a label, but a gateway to self-acceptance, understanding, and a newfound purpose. It illuminated the unique strengths and perspectives that come with neurodiversity. Embracing her quirks and newfound identity, our founder channeled this revelation into creating Alvise Studios – a beacon of innovation and inclusivity. Our mission transcends the mere development of apps; we are here to shatter barriers and build bridges between the neurotypical and neurodivergent communities. At Alvise Studios, we believe in the power of diversity to fuel creativity and innovation. We are dedicated to creating digital environments where being different is not just accepted but celebrated. Our products are designed to unleash creativity, personality, and individual strength, offering a safe haven for all, regardless of how their minds work. We stand as a testament to the idea that technology can be empathetic, inclusive, and revolutionary. Join us in this journey, where every step we take is a stride towards a more understanding, accepting, and inclusive world. At Alvise Studios, we don’t just make apps; we’re crafting a revolution where everyone has the freedom to be their authentic selves.

Our Vision

At Alvise Studios Ltd., we envision a world where digital products and environments are not just tools, but lifelines that empower individuals, especially those in the neurodivergent community.

We believe in a future where technology is a bridge, connecting people with diverse minds to a world of possibilities, understanding, and acceptance.

Our Mission

Our mission is to design and develop digital products and environments that significantly improve the lives of many, with a special focus on the neurodivergent community.

We strive to create solutions that are not only functional but also empathetic and inclusive, addressing the unique
challenges and strengths of neurodivergent individuals, their families, and professionals who
support them.

Our Vision

At Alvise Studios Ltd., we envision a world where digital products and environments are not just tools, but lifelines that empower individuals, especially those in the neurodivergent community.

We believe in a future where technology is a bridge, connecting people with diverse minds to a world of possibilities, understanding, and acceptance.

Our Mission

Our mission is to design and develop digital products and environments that significantly improve
the lives of many, with a special focus on the neurodivergent community.

We strive to create solutions that are not only functional but also empathetic and inclusive, addressing the unique
challenges and strengths of neurodivergent individuals, their families, and professionals who
support them.


Your Digital Companion for Emotional Well-Being EmotAid is a revolutionary app designed to guide you on your journey towards emotional wellbeing. With EmotAid, you can explore and understand your emotions in an interactive and supportive way. Utilizing mindfulness techniques and artificial intelligence, we help you manage stress, anxiety, and enhance your emotional resilience. EmotAid is more than an app; it's a friend that listens, understands, and accompanies you every day towards greater inner peace.



SocialOut is the social platform where activism meets community. This unique network allows you to connect with people who share your passion for social and environmental change. Whether you want to raise awareness on important issues, organize volunteer events, or simply find inspiration for a better world, SocialOut is the place where your ideas can bloom and turn into concrete actions. Join us and become part of a community that makes a difference.

Our Team


Meet Alex Marziali, the eclectic and dynamic founder of Alvise Studios, a woman whose belief in the universe’s abundance for those who cultivate kindness and solidarity has shaped her life’s work. Alex’s journey is not just inspiring; it’s a beacon of hope and understanding in a world that often feels divided.

Diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, Alex experienced a profound shift in her life. This wasn’t just a medical label; it was a key that unlocked a deeper understanding of her true self. Embracing her neurodiversity, Alex found clarity and purpose, transforming her personal revelations into a drive to make a difference.

Alex’s vision is clear and compelling: to create a world where those who struggle to understand themselves, who deserve answers and support on their neurodivergent journey, can find solace and strength. She is not just an advocate for the neurodivergent community but a champion for their families, friends, colleagues, and the professionals involved in their lives.

Her goal? To revolutionize the world and make it more humane through technology. Alex believes in harnessing the power of digital innovation to bridge gaps, foster understanding, and celebrate the unique qualities that each person brings to the table.

At Alvise Studios, under Alex’s leadership, technology becomes more than just tools and apps; it becomes a medium for change, empathy, and connection. Join Alex and the team at Alvise Studios as they embark on this journey to create a world where diversity is not just accepted but embraced, where being different is a strength, and where every individual can find their place in a more understanding, inclusive society.

With Alex Marziali at the helm, Alvise Studios is more than a company; it’s a movement towards a kinder, more inclusive future.

Meet Marco , the eclectic and dynamic developer and programmer at the heart of Alvise Studios. Marco’s story is one of self-taught brilliance and relentless passion for innovation. In a world where technology is constantly evolving, he stands as a beacon of knowledge and a true student of the digital age.

Marco’s journey into the realms of development and programming was fueled by sheer curiosity and a drive to master the principles of his craft independently. His approach to learning and innovation embodies the spirit of a true revolutionary, redefining what it means to be a nerd in today’s world.

For Marco, being a nerd isn’t just about being knowledgeable; it’s about being a catalyst for change. He sees beyond the stereotypes, embracing the term as a badge of honor that signifies creativity, depth, and the ability to see the world differently.

His soul breathes life into every line of code he writes. Marco doesn’t just develop software; he weaves stories, crafts experiences, and builds bridges between people and technology. His goal is clear and profound: to change the world, one string of code at a time.

At Alvise Studios, Marco’s expertise and vision are instrumental in creating digital products that are not only innovative but also empathetic and inclusive. He believes in the power of technology to make a real difference in people’s lives, especially for those in the neurodivergent community.

Join Marco on this exciting journey at Alvise Studios, where every line of code is a step towards a more connected, understanding, and humane world. With Marco at the coding helm, the future is not just bright; it’s revolutionary.


Introducing Camillo Di Cicco, the Art Director, Graphic Designer, Social Media genius, and photographer whose chameleon-like ability to translate diverse concepts into compelling visuals sets him apart at Alvise Studios. Camillo is not just a creative force; he is a storyteller who uses his artistic skills to give a unique voice to every project he touches.

Camillo’s journey in the world of visual arts is marked by his exceptional ability to adapt and innovate. His work is a testament to his versatility, seamlessly blending graphic design, photography, and social media expertise to create impactful and memorable designs. He has the
rare talent of capturing the essence of a concept and transforming it into a visual language that speaks volumes.

His approach to art and design goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about creating a narrative that resonates with people. Camillo’s voice, often described as distinct and offbeat, adds character and depth to each project, making them stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

But Camillo’s philosophy extends beyond his professional prowess. He is a firm believer in the power of kindness and karma. His approach to life and work is deeply influenced by these values, driving him to create designs that not only look good but also feel good. He finds inspiration in the simple things, like long walks along the beach, where the rhythm of the waves and the vastness of the sea fuel his creativity and remind him of the bigger picture.

At Alvise Studios, Camillo Di Cicco is more than an Art Director; he is a visionary who brings a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and insight to every project. His work is not just about creating visually stunning designs; it’s about touching hearts, sparking conversations, and making
a lasting impact.

Join Camillo on this artistic journey at Alvise Studios, where every design is a step towards a more beautiful, understanding, and connected world. With Camillo’s artistic guidance, each project is not just seen; it’s felt and remembered.

Meet Noddy Gigante, the singer and musician whose boundless love for the arts and horses resonates through her soulful melodies. Noddy’s gentle spirit and her profound connection with nature make her a compassionate listener to the world’s many rhythms. Her music is not just a form of expression; it’s a dialogue with the heart of existence.

Noddy’s journey took a transformative turn with the birth of her daughter, Sofia, opening her eyes to the beautiful spectrum of neurodiversity. This experience was not just about understanding her daughter’s unique world but also about embracing and celebrating it. Her path of learning, acceptance, and dedication to highlighting Sofia’s potential and unique mind has been inspiring.

At Alvise Studios, Noddy’s role transcends her musical talents. She is an invaluable asset in addressing the needs of neurodivergent families. Her approach is not just empathetic; it’s driven by a productive attitude that aims to unleash the potential of neurodiverse individuals. Noddy
understands the challenges and triumphs of neurodivergent families intimately, making her contributions both personal and profound.

Her commitment to fostering an environment where neurodiversity is not just accepted but celebrated is palpable in her work. Noddy’s music and presence offer a comforting and understanding space for families navigating the world of neurodiversity. She embodies the spirit of Alvise Studios – a place where differences are not just acknowledged but are seen as sources of
strength and beauty.

Join Noddy Gigante in this harmonious journey at Alvise Studios, where every note she sings and every chord she plays is a step towards a more inclusive, understanding, and vibrant world. With Noddy’s musical guidance, Alvise Studios is not just creating products; it’s composing a symphony of empathy, acceptance, and empowerment for the neurodiverse community and beyond.


get in touch

Do not hesitate to reach out. Send us an email and we’ll be sure to reply as fast as possible.

Alvise Studios Ltd. 199 Livingstone Road BN3 3WN, Hove (United Kingdom) Company registered in England and Wales.

Company Number 1485771

Alvise Studios Italia - Via Monte Nero, 58 - Guidonia Montecelio (RM) 00012 Tel +39 3454596619

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